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Artificial Intelligence and The Rule of Law


The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on AI and the Rule of Law is an introductory course engaging judicial operators in a global and timely discussion around AI’s application and impact on the rule of law. Structured around six modules, it unpacks the opportunities and risks of the increasing adoption of AI technologies across justice systems and AI’s impact for the administration of justice, particularly concerning human rights and AI ethics and governance issues. 

The course is developed by UNESCO and The Future Society, with the support of Cetic.br|NIC.br, the National Judicial College, and IEEE SA. It was made possible by the kind contributions of the UNESCO Multi Donor Programme on Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists (MDP) and the Open Society Foundations.

It builds on the ongoing work of the UNESCO Judges’ Initiative which has trained over 23,000 judicial operators since 2014. Through publications, toolkits and both online and on-the-ground training, the initiative builds the capacities of judicial operators to engage with emerging challenges and protect fundamental human rights and the freedom of expression. 

The course also reflects The Athens Roundtable of AI and the Rule of Law’s capacity to spur and co-produce initiatives with real-world practical impact at a global scale, in addition to serving as a multi-stakeholder forum that advances the international AI policy dialogue in support of human rights and the democratic order. The Roundtable is produced by The Future Society and UNESCO, amongst other international organizations and corporations.

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